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  • Writer's pictureLeAnitra Owens

Parenting God's Way

Hi Parents!

As a mother of two young children, I understand that parenting can be challenging at times. There are moments when everything works out just right, and then there are those chaotic moments. Either way, as parents, the ultimate goal is to do what's best for our children. Some of us buy dozens of books on parenting that we never get to read, and some of us seek advice from others that never seem to quite work. As I found myself wanting to be a better parent, I thought about another way. A way that would definitely work no matter what. What way am I referring to? God's Way!

As children of God, there are certain standards He has set for us to follow. In order to understand what they are, we must get to know God and His word. As we grow in Christ, it's only right that we teach our children using the same principles (Proverbs 22:6). The best way to teach is to lead by example. How do we lead by example? In our parenting! If God says to pray for our enemies, we have to do just that and teach our children the same. We can't want them to do right and we as parents don't. There are many benefits to applying the word of God as we parent.

Our Relationship With God Becomes Stronger

In order to parent God's Way, we have to know the word of God for ourselves. We have to establish a relationship with Him so that He can speak to us. Depending on the age of our children, we know they ask a lot of questions and we have to be prepared to answer them. They need to know why prayer is important, why doing what the word of God says is important and so much more. As our relationship with God grows, our lives begin to change. Things begin to happen that we never would have imagined (Deuteronomy 28).

Our Confident Levels Will Increase

There have been so many times I have questioned if I was doing the right thing as a parent. One day, God told me that He has given me everything I need to raise my children effectively. In other words, we can't seek God's directions for everything else and when it comes to our children we do what the world does. It simply won't work. We are God's children and He gives us so much love. He gives us grace and forgives us over and over. We have to raise our children the same way. We may receive negative feedback from other parents but as long as God is pleased, it doesn't matter. As long as we have peace that we are doing what's right, we can begin to enjoy this life that God has freely given us.

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